Executive Health

Executives will benefit from the combined expertise, bridging conventional and complementary medical approaches for a truly dynamic and innovative clinical experience.

Our aim is to personalize your programme by bringing together a set of health experts that will work together with you to achieve better health.

The Process

  • Once enrolled the program is kicked off with an introductory email providing a brief introduction and summary of the program and its objectives.

  • Prior to any tests being done questionnaires on family history, personal medical history, current health status and general wellness will be sent through for completion.

  • Once the questionnaires have been evaluated tests will be scheduled considering the risks identified in the questionnaires.

    Tests include (Where relevant):

    • DNA Mapping

    • Pap smear

    • Mammograms

    • Bone density

    • Prostate screening

    • Lung function

    • Full blood count

    • Stress ECG

  • A full health evaluation will be scheduled once the test results have been received and interpreted. This will also be aligned with the relevant risk identified in prior steps

  • A meeting will be scheduled in which our medical practitioner will outline a wellness path with the executive. Discussing all risks identified and mitigations for each.